Get Connected - Join TAAI Today!


Benefits of TAAI Membership:

  • Your company is no more a standalone one in our endeavour to strengthen Principal-Agency relationship.
  • IATA matters- TAAI is on board of APJC and actively deliberates on behalf of travel agencies on all policy matters concerning day-to-day business activity. TAAI is in active relationship with IATA and helps formulate industry policies including training, settlement matters, accreditation policies, joint bank guarantee towards financial security, etc.
  • TAAI is actively involved with United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA). UFTAA is represented on PAPGJC (Passenger Agency Program Global Joint Council) where association matters pertaining to governing resolutions by IATA are taken forward.
  • Through its programs TAAI helps promote highest standard of professionalism and ethics among members in their dealing with the public and among each other.
  • TAAI offers numerous opportunities in training, skill development and tourism certification including destination education- for owners, managers, frontline staff and all those who have chosen travel and tourism as their career.
  • TAAI is active in updating members on evolving visa formalities and maintains a closer connect with embassies, high commissions & consulates in fostering learning.
  • TAAI offers B2B opportunities through jointly held road shows and familiarisation trips in cooperation with Tourism Boards and National Tourism Organisations, through active networking at Conventions and through several events including active partnership and support status with trade exhibition organisers.
  • TAAI's annual convention, popular as 'The Indian Travel Congress' is an excellent opportunity for members to take home updates and learning through our business sessions, strong networking, interaction opportunities with overseas Destination Management Companies and invaluable connectivity that supports greater success in business.
  • TAAI works closely with Government of India Tourism Offices and State Tourism Boards and is active in events/meetings organised to further the promotion of Indian tourism globally. TAAI is invited for 'Hotel Classification' and 'Airport Advisory'. TAAI also endeavours to closely work with Ministry of Civil Aviation, on aviation matters.
  • There are more areas through which any industry stakeholder can immensely benefit by becoming a member of TAAI and join this most prestigious forum.