Online Application form


Applicant's Personal Detail:

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Registered Address:


Company Information:

Concern :
Company :
Company Changed Name or Ownership within Last Six Years :
Travel Agency the Main Business of the Company :
Do You have Branches or Subsidiary Offices? :
Approval from Ministry Of Tourism, Government Of India?
Do the Owners, Shareholders, Managers have Financial Interest or Managerial Control in any other Travel Related Company?

More Approvals :

IATA Details:

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Net Sales for last two years (Please mention year) :

About Your Office :

About your representatives to whom all correspondence will be addressed to:

We hereby certify that the information given herewith is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief and that no information that may be relevant to the above questions has been suppressed or withheld. We agree to pay all fees of the Association as established from time to time.

We know the applicant and the information supplied by the applicant is the best of our knowledge true and correct. We hereby second the applicant for the membership of the Association.

List of enclosures reqested: Enclosed: