About TAAI

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Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI)

Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) was incorporated during 1951, 4 years after Indian Independence. It continues most effectively with quality growth and ability to support industry growth. TAAI is India’s premier, nodal, largest and oldest Travel & Tourism Association.

TAAI’smembership of about 2,500+ leading Indian companies involved actively with Tourism brings to its members constant guidance from our 20 Regional Units, which is unique to TAAI and its development of Leadership. Each unit has an elected Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer to effectively administer. Member agencies get to meet regularly. We support road shows; presentations; interaction on industry updates, most effectively.

TAAI is actively associated with the Airlines & IATA. As members of IATA”s APJC (Agency Program Joint Council)we debate on matters on Airline practices. TAAI’s active Airlines Council connects TAAI with Domestic & International Airlines.

TAAI works closely with the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. We actively participate in the Tourism Meetings convenedby the Government. We are actively associated with State Tourism Boards of India.

TAAI has a large membership who isactively involved in several industry verticals, and thus its focus is to promote these effectively and connect members with opportunities.

  • Airline Ticketing
  • Outbound Tourism
  • Inbound Tourism
  • Domestic Tourism
  • Hospitality
  • MICE
  • Sports Tourism
  • Destination Promotion & Specialization

Destination promotion has been TAAI’s stronghold. TAAI’s connect with Tourism Ministries and Governments; National Tourism Authorities and Boards are immense. We have MOUs to promote bi-lateral tourism with over 25 countries TAAI endears itself to promote outbound into these countries.TAAI is a ONE POINT CONTACT for any country; destination or attraction to be effectively promoted well across India.

TAAI Conventions (Indian Travel Congress) are most eagerly awaited events of the Travel & Tourism industry. The huge visibility, this annual event of TAAI, brings to the global industry is fantastic. 800 to 1400 delegates, depending on the destination and TAAI’s decision, are blessed with the excellent opportunity to network; get updated; promote or buy and importantly take home some great learning through our knowledge sessions. TAAI does these events all over the world, including India.

The venues of each of our previous EIGHT Conventions of TAAI have enormously benefited.

  • Srinagar, J&K, India, 2018  (64th Convention & Exhibition of TAAI)
  • Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2016
  • Bali, Indonesia, 2015
  • Bengaluru, India, 2013
  • Istanbul, Turkey, 2012
  • Phuket, Thailand, 2011
  • London, UK, 2010
  • Dubai, UAE, 2009 (57th Convention & Exhibition of TAAI)

TAAI’s B2B Exhibition, ITTE; India Travel & Tourism Expo is very popular. We have the ITTE opportunity for global sellers and buyers at our conventions.

TAAI specializes in promoting Destination Marketing is our “Skill Development Initiatives”. We partner with Tourism Boards to organize Travel Specialist programs for industry personnel.

Another important activity for TAAI is to be closely associated with the Embassy’s; Consulates and High Commissions. We are well known for our activities that support-training personnel in travel agencies effectively assist their customers in visa applications. TAAI has organized several skill-development workshops on professionalizing visa matters in partnership with Embassy’s; Consulates; High Commissions and VFS. This is an ongoing activity of TAAI.

TAAI is also recognized by the Government of India to support in the activity of “Hotel Classification”. TAAI representative is on the panel that visits to certify Hotels seeking “star status”.TAAI is recognized on the Airport Advisory Boards as well and several of our chairpersons are members on the Airport Advisory.

TAAI is associated with is the Educational initiatives to promote education in tourism.  We are partnered with Universities; Colleges and Educational institutions that offer graduation in Tourism & Management including MBA (Travel & Tourism) programs.

TAAI’s area of activity extends to areas of Aviation; Tourism – outbound & inbound; MICE – inbound & outbound; Adventure Tourism; Sports Tourism; Education etc. Our Members are involved in all these activities and there is no other Travel & Tourism Association in India with this strength and band-width offering leadership to this most growing industry.

TAAI is well known for the Leadership we offer to the Industry. We have evolved with times and keen to forge ahead in a manner that brings in solid partnerships, globally.