Mission Statement

TAAI endeavors to build in its constituents, and others it deals with, a commitment to:

  • Apply superior technical skills to the jobs on hand.
  • Deliver the highest quality of service.
  • Act responsibly within sound financial parameters.
  • Build trust and credibility in the marketplace.

In fulfilling its mission and supporting traditional values as well as embracing changes.

TAAI's objectives are to work towards:

  • A committed national membership.
  • Widening its area of influence by judiciously delegating authority and responsibility to Regions, Chapters and City Committees.
  • Professional management of its affairs at all levels.
  • A responsive and well equipped Secretariat, which benefits all members.
  • The manner in which TAAI conducts itself on issues of trade principles and practice, will determine its contribution to our industry.

TAAI welcomes this responsibility.